Rummel Creek has a robust list of before and after school activities to enrich and extend RCE students. Below is information and links to programs provided. Please contact the various programs for specific information to get involved.
For students to attend, tuition must be paid as requested by outside vendors. Watch for information about these classes in the newsletter and through electronic flyers. We continuously investigate programs to add that will benefit our students. In addition, RCE has wonderful school groups that allow the children to experience extracurricular opportunities in art, music, and various academics. Some of our special after school groups include, but are not limited to: RCE Fiddlers, Mad Science, Odyssey of the Mind, Rockin' Roadrunners, Art After School, RCE Choir, and after school child care provided by After3.
Chess -Coach Bryant
Performing and Creative Arts - Monroe Moore (346-349-2130) More information
Art After School - More information coming soon
SWAG - Student Wellness Awareness Group Robyne Petitt